She held me in her arms
She held me in her arms.
She had the perfect space for my body to lean on
Her arms stretched out and up and I leaned on
Feeling held
Feeling safe
Feeling comfortable
Feeling home
She asked nothing of me
She offered her many years old body to mine
She offered her healing embrace
She can take anything!
Go to her whenever you need her
Follow the calling
Forget about being embarrassed or what others may think of you
Run to her arms
She is there
Waiting for you
Patiently waiting for you
She has nowhere to go
There is no rush
She is all love
She is all understanding
She is all listening
She knows exactly what you need
She is you and you are her
All made of the same thing, just showing up in a different shapes
Her job is to just be
From that still place, she has the strength and the power to provide for many
She is made for it
She does not need to DO anything, just BE
She will always be there for you
In the good and the bad times
She is perfect
She is still
She is movement
She is free
She is you
She is me
She is a tree
By Pelagia Pais