Pelagia Pais

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She shows herself

Bigger, she whispered to me. I am not small. 

She has been whispering herself into existence for some time. 

First I saw an artwork that caught my attention. Then I saw another unrelated artwork giving the colours dark blue and red.

There has been a building up to this moment of sitting down and putting a pencil to paper. I drew one on A4 to see and feel how it would turn out. Then I went into A3, my go to paper size. 

She wants to show herself to me. She tells me I no longer need to fear her. She is a friend. She has more things to whisper to me, if only I allow her to. 

Lining her in marker felt like she was finally brought to life. I had to take a moment to acknowledge the pleasure, joy and relief of finally allowing her out. 

I had to stop and write these words, take these photos and share this moment with you. 

I am her. 

She has just shed a skin. An old skin that no longer served her. She is just getting to know her new skin. Testing it. Sensing how it feels when she turns this way or that way. 

She is me.