Inspired by

As I travel today I was taken to listen to a couple of podcasts from @lunagraceisbelllove ‘Radical Remembrance Podcast’. (…)

There is something about Luna’s voice, how she speaks, the women she invites to interview, the subjects she is willing to touch and explore, etc... that really speak to me. These women speak my language, I understand them and I learn new things. I heal. 
I find the conversations I have heard or watched so far very nourishing and like a salve for my soul. 

The thing is, I am craving and longing connecting with women like these, of having these types of conversations, of going deeper into honesty. 

I am feeling inspired to creating my own podcast series, even if what I am willing to commit so far is exploring a particular theme that has caught my attention at the moment: ‘The Feminine and Money’. I’m taking time to feel all of these things and make a list of all the people I want to have a conversation about this. I’ll see what happens next, because another deeper calling is making itself heard very loud at the moment, and that is to write. More on this another time. 

For this post, I wanted to share these wonderful connected conversations lead by @lunagraceisbelllove And also share the ‘Womxn of Devotion’ conversations you can find here:

May they be inspiring tools for your path as they are being for mine now. 

May you be happy, may you be free, may you be your true self.